Community Development


Community Development

The City of Cranston has been awarded a Community Development Block Grant from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development in the amount of $1,061,374.00 for the fiscal year 2023-2024. These funds will be used to support a wide range of activities specifically targeted to benefit persons of moderate and low income. HUD income limits according to household size can be found by clicking the link below. Program examples supported by these CDBG funds include housing rehabilitation, emergency fuel assistance, minority outreach health programs, Adult Day Care and a Mayor’s Scholarship Program.

Housing Rehabilitation Loan Program

This program provides low-interest or interest free loans to income eligible Cranston homeowners to assist them in making needed repairs and improvements to their homes and to correct code violations. Program is available for single family to three family buildings and property must be owner occupied. Typical improvements include roofs, vinyl siding, replacement windows, doors, and gutters among others. Depending on an applicant's household income, this loan program includes a 0% deferred or a 2% interest loan with a 15-year payback. Funds cannot be used for new construction.

First Time Home Buyers Programs

The Department of Community Development offers two programs for first time income eligible home buyers purchasing a home in the City of Cranston. The assistance given at time of closing becomes a grant after homeowner has resided in the property for five years.
Closing Cost Assistance Program
This program is available to first time income eligible home buyers to help defray some of the fees incurred at closing. This five year grant will provide up to $3,000 toward closing costs.
Down Payment Assistance Program
The Down payment assistance program provides 50% of the required down payment, not to exceed $5,000. This matching fund program is available to first time income eligible homeowners but cannot be combined with the Closing Cost Assistance Program.

Mayor’s Emergency Fuel Program
(2/27/2025) ATTENTION: The Emergency Fuel Program has exhausted funding and has ended for the 2024-2025 season. The program will re-open for applications starting November 1, 2025. The Department of Community Development offers a one-time annual delivery of 100 Gallons of oil or propane for emergency situations only. Oil tank must be below ¼ of a tank and meet household eligibility requirements.

Mayor’s Scholarship Program
This Program is designed to aid students of low- and moderate-income families attending post-secondary education. This includes vocational/technical schools and college. Any Cranston resident planning to attend an accredited vocational school or four-year institution is eligible for scholarship consideration provided the student’s family meets the income criteria. Applications for the fall semester are available beginning in November of the student’s senior year and given on a first come first serve basis.

Mayor's Scholarship APPLICATION 2023-24

Renewal Application 2023-2024


PLEASE CALL Laura-Jean Ferranti AT 401-780-6240 or E-Mail at


Income Eligibility According to Household Size (Effective June 15, 2022)