Cranston City Hall
869 Park Avenue
Cranston, Rhode Island 02910 |
Monday Through Friday
8:30AM to 4:30PM
To contact the City Hall please call:
Council Meetings:
Regular public meetings of the City Council are held on the fourth Monday of each month at 7:00 P.M. in the City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor, Cranston City Hall, except in December, when the meeting is held on the third Monday of the month.
82,934 |
Total Area
28.2 square miles
2nd largest City in RI
Mayor: 4-year term
City Council: 9 members, 2-year term
School Committee: 7 members, 2-year term
Police Department
Fire Department
Senior Center
Community Youth Center
6 Libraries
Municipal Sewer & Water
Recreation Services/Facilities
Median Selling Price of Existing Homes
Median Household Income
Number of Jobs
Number of Businesses
17 Elementary Schools
4 Middle Schools
2 High Schools
Recreational Facilities
2 Municipal Ice Rinks
1 Municipal Outdoor Swimming Pool
1 Bike Path
2 State Parks
2 Stadiums
2 Yacht Clubs
2 Golf Courses
2 Football Fields
7 Walking Tracks
13 Soccer Fields
19 Basketball Courts
24 Tennis Courts
25 Baseball Fields
33 Tot Parks
4 Major Highways across the city: I-95, I-295, Route 10 & 12
10 Minutes to T.F. Green International Airport
10 Minutes to highspeed rail passenger centers
10 Minutes to downtown Providence
Senior Facilities
1 Senior Services Center
1 Alzheimer Day Care Center
2 Assisted Living Facilities
3 Nursing Homes
11 Senior Housing Complexes
33 of Varied Denominations
Industrial Parks
Cranston Herald (Weekly Paper)
Providence Journal (Daily Paper)
Cranston Patch (Online)
NBC 10 WJAR-TV (News Channel)
The City of Cranston is part of the large metropolitan area of Providence and is located just south of the Capital City, with 3 1/2 miles of shoreline on the Providence River where it begins to broaden into Narragansett Bay. Cranston is also bounded by the City of Warwick and the Towns of West Warwick and Coventry on the south, and by the Town of Scituate on the west. Cranston has a geographical area of 28.2 square miles.

City Seal:
Cranston's City Seal, which was taken from the coat of arms of Governor Samuel Cranston, consists of three silver cranes on a red shield with a silver border. The motto DUM VIGILO CURO has been translated as "While I watch I care."

City Flag:
The flag of the City is blue, of standard size, bearing on each side of the center the representation of the Coat of Arms of the City. The shield is red with a white border, the representation of the three cranes upon the shield is in white; the words DUM VlGlLO CURO are imposed in yellow and gold upon the representation of a white ribbon with a red border under the shield.