Various Licenses

Various Licenses

The following is a list of various licenses issued to businesses in the city. The Committee on Safety Services and Licenses grants these licenses for which there is a fee.

Liquor Licenses: Class A (Liquor Store); Class B (Tavern); Class E (Druggist); Class F-1 (19 hour); Class F (19 hour Class B [victualling]); Class J (Convention Hall); Class B (Limited); Class C (Saloon); Class D (Full Privilege Club); and Class D (Limited Club).

There is also a fee for the transfer of an Alcoholic Beverage License.

Other licenses include Victualling House Holiday Sales; Tobacco (including hookah and electronic paraphanelia); public entertainment and mobile food trucks (MFE).

Miscellaneous licenses include all of the following: amusement machines and devices; billiard and pool tables; bingo; bowling alleys; carnivals; circuses; dances; dance hall; employment agencies; game room; gravel banks; indoor skating rink; flower vendor; itinerant food vendors; junk; antiques; motion pictures; pawnbroker; pistols, revolvers and firearms; private detective; dog and cat shows; tag day; trailer camps; used cars; peddlers; and abandonment of highway or portion of.

A license for Junk Gatherers is approved by the Police Chief and issued by the City Clerk.

Licenses issued by the Police Dept. include taxicabs and other vehicles for hire.

Drain layer licenses are issued by the Inspections Department.

Application is made in the Fire Department for licenses granted by the Safety Services Committee. The Fire Prevention Bureau grants blasting permits.

Wastehaulers’ and cesspool application are filed with the Department of Public Works and approved by Safety Services & Licenses Committee.

Licenses are required for the storage of hazardous substances; application is filed with the Cranston Fire Department

For questions, please call the business license clerk at (401) 780-3195 or email