City of Cranston
Zoning Administration

The Building Inspections Office serves as the office of the Cranston Zoning Board of Review. The Director of Inspections serves as the chief zoning code Enforcement Officer and the Deputy Director serves as secretary of the Zoning Board of Review. All applications for zoning code variances or exceptions must be filed in this office to initiate the necessary processing. Processing steps include a review of the application documents to assure completeness and accuracy, writing the letters of notification to property owners within a 400' radius, advertising in the newspapers, arranging for the meeting place, calling all board members to assure that a quorum will be present and providing for a court stenographer to take the minutes of all Zoning Board of Review hearings.


Download ZBR application & requirements below, please read both carefully as incomplete applications will not be accepted.



Complete applications must be submitted to the Zoning Secretary at the Building Inspections & Zoning Department at least 30 days prior to meeting date.


 2025 Zoning Board Meeting Dates:

January 8 
February 12
March 12
April 9
May 14
June 11
July 9
August 13
September 10
October 8
November 12
December 10