Form of Government
On November 3, 1998, the voters of the City of Cranston approved a referendum amending the Cranston Home Rule Charter changing its form of government from a mayor form of government to a mayor/council form of government.
City Council
The Cranston City Council is comprised of six ward and three city-wide councilmembers. The current council was elected on November 5, 2024, took office on January 6, 2025, and their terms expire on January 4, 2027. To find your current ward and Councilperson click below:
Find Your Councilperson
The Cranston City Council meets on the 4th Monday of every month. When it falls on a holiday, the Council may meet on Tuesday. Note that in December, the regular meeting is held on the third Monday.
Meetings are held at 7 p.m. in Council Chambers, which is located on the 3rd Floor of City Hall. All meetings are open to the public with two opportunities for public speaking: one on matters listed on the Docket, and the other is an open session in which the public can speak on any matter.
Council meetings are video streamed live and can be viewed by clicking on the button below:
Click Here
City Council meeting minutes from 2022 to present; Resolutions passed by the City Council from 2000 to present; and Ordinances adopted by the City Council from 2000 to present may be viewed and searched by keyword by clicking on the button below:
City Council Meeting Minutes; Resolutions; and Ordinances
Special meetings are called on an as-needed basis, and are advertised in the Cranston Herald or Providence Journal. All Council meetings, including Committee meetings, are posted on the Secretary of State's website and also on the City's website under Calendar.
Matters requiring Council action or approval are introduced as New Business at either a regular or special council meeting called for that purpose. All new matters are referred either to Committee or the City Council for public hearing, which is advertised.
2025-2026 Council Committees
2025-2027 City Council Rules
Properties Plowed By The City