April 10, 2023
What is Yard Waste?
Yard Waste is organic material such as, but not limited to, leaves, grass clippings, hedge clippings, brush and branches and other small vegetative material that may be naturally biodegradable. In the case of tree branches and shrubs, the length of these items shall not be more than four feet.
When is it collected?
Yard Waste is picked up separately on your regular trash day between April 10th, and December 22rd.
What kind of container is acceptable?
Yard Waste must be placed in brown paper bags (no plastic bags) or corrugated boxes marked "Yard Waste" or barrels marked "Yard Waste." Branches must be bundled and no longer than 4-feet long and placed on the curb no later than 6:15 am on your collection day, but not before noon the day before.